Thursday, March 15, 2007

A week from today I will be in Hawaii!

Well, I just made it through day two of vegetables and fruit only....and I am already starving! I am not sure how I am ever going to make it at this point when exactly a week from today I will be JUST starting the water ONLY fast! arrrgggghhh! I also can not believe that a week from now I will be sleeping in a strange bed in a strange the middle of the tropics....that part I am excited about...I LOVE the TROPICS! Lush greenery, waterfalls, rainbows, fresh warm air...if anything will heal me, that will!

A BIG thank you goes out for more generous donations. Just yesterday and today I have received more support from Pat Kreder, Patrick K., Leslie, Johh S. (bearded John), Linda M. and Bob! WOW...this is really overwhelming...but since my pay it forward revelation I am accepting graciously, knowing now I can hopefully not worry so much about the large clinic bill and just focus on getting better. Knowing that down the line I can turn around and pay it forward!

Ok off to bed...tomorrow is a very big day....only 29,000 things to do...more later....

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