Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It is SUNNY OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!

I can not believe it is sunny outside. I am sitting outside right now using the retreat center's portable iBook laptop computer for patients. I have 20 minutes before the bell is going to ring again for juice and supplements. Then, after that I have to do my next chamomille enema. You should see my closet is full of bottles and bottles of supplements. When the bell rings I get certain supplements out of their bottle and put them in a little dish I keep by my bed. I then go out to the kitchen to pick up my juice and put the supplements that are kept in a refrigerator to take with the juice as well. They have 3-4 refrigerators full of fresh produce!!! I really wish you could all come on a field trip to check out this whole is pretty amazing.

Bell is ringing....

more later...

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