Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What I have learned...

This is what I have learned:

First, EVERY single degenerative disease out there including cancer, auto immune, Aids, diabetes, name it caused by two things and ONLY two things:
1.) Toxins in the body (ingested, emotional and environmental)
2.) Nutritional deficiency (the obvious is eating unhealthy foods, but one can be eating extremely healthy foods and still have nutritional deficiency if the body is unable to process and/or absorb the food properly)

Second, there is a long list of very simple tests that my doctors could have done that I do not think they even knew existed. I have also learned, to some extent, it is not really their fault; western medicine doctors are trained in very specific terms. They are taught the way of drugs and surgery because 80% of their school funding comes from the pharmaceutical companies and of course they are in the business to sell more drugs!! Where as, Naturopathic doctors treat the whole body (holistically) with natural treatments. They usually first test your saliva, urine, blood, stool and hair. From these tests they can find out things such as the various levels of toxins and metabolic waste in your system, what minerals are deficient in your cells (not only your blood which is very different and the only thing western doctors check), and how many cells are being killed off due to lack of nutritional absorption, etc.

Third, I also found out that when I was doing these special cleanses and juices to detox on my own I was getting sicker because the juices were flushing my blood system with an overload of toxins and my liver could not handle getting rid of them all. By doing coffee/chamomile enemas you open the liver bile ducts which assists the liver in releasing all the toxins.

So, I am currently exploring my options on where I can get this type of testing and treatment done.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

How the Story Began...

The story starts like this. In the last 5 years, I have had a long list of strange symptoms that continues to grow. I was diagnosed with stage 4 pre-cancerous cervical dysplasia and had surgery for this in 2/02 and ever since then my body has not been right. The pain in the abdomen started only 2 months after that surgery and has not gone away since while my list of other symptoms continues to grow. I have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), various other undiagnosed digestive disorders, pancreatitis, a growth on my ovary and an autoimmune disease (they are unable to figure out which one). My emotional health has gotten decreasing worse through the years as well. My biggest complaint has been the on-going, constant (24/7) pain I have had in my abdomen for over five years now along with various other digestive problems in which I will spare you the details. I have tried to be open to western medicine all the while trying holistic methods on the side. I have spent hundreds of hours researching and personally experimenting with various holistic treatments, herbs, diet, etc. Both Western Medicine and Eastern holistic approaches have given me temporary relief (band-aids), but have not really addressed the underlying issues of why I continue to still be sick. Some things such as IV fluids, supplements, massage, various fasts, diets, etc. have given me temporary relief; however, DIS-ease seems to just keep reappearing in various forms.

On July 29, 2006, I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and enjoyed an 8 day vacation...yea right... TAKE IT FROM ME, DO NOT EVER EXPECT TO GET ANY REST WHEN YOU ARE A PATIENT IN THE HOSPITAL! I was diagnosed with Pancreatitis the night I arrived due to a catscan and some blood work that came back that showed my amylase and lipase digestive enzymes in my pancreas were over 10,000 and they are suppose to only be around 300. They did an incredible amount of various tests through out the week trying to determine what caused the pancreatitis. The only thing they could find was once again in my blood work that my ANA was positive...this is my anti-nuclear anti bodies....these are not suppose to be positive...this means that my cells are killing the longer this happens the more sick I will get and eventually die. My cells are not regenerating, they are not able to absorb appropriate nutrients even if I eat the right foods!!! They 'think' the auto immune disease is what probably caused my pancreatitis??? They sent me home with some pain killers and digestive enzymes. Since that time I have been to several more doctors and have taken an array of various other tests, but my symptoms continue to persist and they have not figured out anything more. I continue to have night sweats, severe dehydration on and off, weak muscles, trouble concentrating or thinking clearly, trouble breathing on and off, passing out, severe digestive problems; to name just a few of the long list of strange and growing symptoms.

So, after becoming completely financially broke due to my hospital stay for 8 days in August, which was an absolute waste of time aside from the IV fluids I was given for severe dehydration from throwing up so many times; I have decided to spend more of my time and energy on the holistic route. I have been doing hours and hours of research for the last several years; experimenting with various diets, etc. Taking one step forward and five back. It has been a very long drawn out process and a huge learning experience, but I am confident in saying that I now feel very well educated in this area.

More later on what I have learned...