Monday, February 5, 2007

Still Learning So Much!

Since my last entry in here I have continued to pursue the Texas Clinic, but I am waiting on some information they sent me to come in the mail. I found out if I go there I will have to stay in a hotel or rent an apartment and do all my own meals. They will do detailed lab tests, assist with coffee enemas, structured diet and supplements.

However, in the meantime, I have also been looking into the Gerson Therapy. This program is a proven nutritional program for cancer and other degenerative diseases with over 60 years of success in reversing advanced stages of cancer and other illnesses. One of my clients, John Abbott, had given me a book called The Gerson Therapy months ago and I am finally getting around to reading it now. Then, come to find out, another one of my clients, Garry Schaeffer, has a set of three, three-hour videos on the program as well. So, I watched them, as well and they were very informative and really helped motivate me to continue in this direction. I really do feel this type of program will help me and that is a miracle that I found something at all for one and second that I actually believe in it's success so strongly.

I also finished reading (FINALLY!) an excellent book that my sister, Janet, let me borrow titled the “Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing” by Caroline Myss, PH.D. This added more pieces to the puzzle for me. Then, I also finished listening to a serious of audio tapes titled “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle that my girlfriend, Ana, let me borrow.

I feel like all of this information has been the best of the best and all given to me by human angels that I have been blessed with in my life.

“Of Monkey and Dragons: Freedom from the Tyranny of Disease” by Michele Longo O’ Donnell (Dad gave me)
“Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing” by Caroline Myss, PH.D. (Sister gave me)
“The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle (Friend Ana gave me)

FOR THE PHYSICAL TREATMENT OF ALL DEGENERATIVE DISEASES (introduced to me by two different massage clients, John Abbott and Garry Schaeffer):
The Gerson Institute
1572 Third Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 685-5353 or (888) 4-Gerson

This treatment is completely holistic through a VERY regimented nutritional detox and restoration program. The program must be done in its entirety; it will not work if you only do bits and pieces of the suggested diet or detox methods. There are three licensed Gerson Healing Centers in Mexico, Hawaii and Loma Linda, CA. It is highly suggested that all critically or severely ill patients attend the facility in Mexico only. They have a HUGE success rate of patients completely recovering from even very, very late stage diseases. Since the program has been around for over 60 years there is documented proof of patients that have recovered and were still alive 30-40 years later!!! This program is NOT EASY and must require some very serious lifestyle changes. I suggest viewing the following Gerson Institute educational video tape series to get a better understanding:
Volume I – The Gerson Therapy – Overview (The Proven Nutritional Program For Cancer and Other Illnesses)
Volume II – The Gerson Therapy at Home
They also do have several books or you can look at the website and/or call them directly.

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