Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Falling More and More in Love with MEDITATION!

Meditation Really Does Work! I have been getting more and more into meditation and have literally felt my body healing when I go to my meditation class on Tuesday nights. There is something special about being there amongst a group of people meditating verses being home alone and meditating. I think the energy force is stronger in a group setting....OR my teacher, Lynne, is some type of magical healer. I have been in a tremendous amount of pain....STILL. It seems to get a lot worse when I sit still and become more present in meditation. There have been times when I have wanted to scream at the top of my lungs from the pain..(not quite appropriate in a meditation class). But, the last few times I have been I have felt a significant shift by the time I leave. Who knew? I was not going there to heal my physical ailments, but to more just build a stronger spiritual connection to learn how to live with and better accept my physical pain. I have felt a lot of movement in my body and some really strange yet profound physical sensations accompanied by a very deep knowing that my body is healing when I am there. But, I will not post all of these experiences here because I am sure most of you think I am crazy just by saying what I have so far. The Dharma Center is located in Ocean Beach and the meditation classes are FREE (donations accepted). If any of you are interested in attending there website is: www.dharmacenter.com

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