Welcome to Anne's Daily Log (BLOG) of her Experiences in Keaau!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Would you like to come to Hawaii??!!!
PLEASE NOTE: If anyone wants to come visit...you are welcome to come anytime. You can stay here as a companion for $150/day which includes lodging and 3 meals a day. I would love to have you come! lots of hugs!
My email: anneathawaii@yahoo.com However, please feel free to send me letters, cards, photos and packages via regular mail to encourage me and keep my spirits up while I am here: Anne Corazza, c/o Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center, 17-502 Ipuaiwaha Street, Keaau, HI 96749. There is also a house phone that we are allowed to receive phone calls on. The number is (808) 982-8213, but keep in mind that this time of year Hawaii is 3 hours ealier than San Diego time. I will also have my cell phone with me (619) 300-4485, but will need to LIMIT MY MINUTES during the weekdays. If you call me from your cingular wireless to mine ANYTIME it is free! I also have unlimited mins. from 9pm to 6am Hawaii time & all weekend long. Please keep the time change in mind so that you do not call too early in the morning. :o)
bought a one way airline ticket to arrive on the Big Island of Hawaii on Thursday, March 22, 2007! I am staying at a Naturopathic Retreat Center to combat some health challenges. I have created this Blog so that I can keep in contact with all my friends and be able to update everyone regularly on my adventures here!!
1.) ARE YOU MOVING TO HAWAII? No, I am currently not planning on it, but you never know!?!!
2.) THEN, WHY DID YOU BUY ONLY A ONE WAY AIRLINE TICKET? Because the doctor is unsure of how my body will respond to treatment. We have to take it one day at a time and just see how it goes.
3.) WHAT ARE YOU GETTING TREATMENT FOR? I have been sick for over 5 years now; however have seemed to develop more and more symptoms through the years. In August of 2006 I ended up in the hospital for 8 days. You can click on 'How the Story Began' under the January 2007 Blog Archive above these frequently asked questions on the right hand side of this BLOG to find out more on my specific illnesses.
4.) ARE YOU SELLING YOUR HOUSE? No, my roommate Steve is still living here and will be taking care of it while I am gone.
5.) HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO STAY? I have no idea. The doctor told me a minimum of 3-4 weeks, but that it could be several months! I plan to stay as long as needed for me to get well!!! After a minimum of 3 weeks and with the doctors approval of me being healthy enough, they sometimes will allow you to do a work-study program where I can help around the house and work in the kitchen for 32 hours a week in exchange for free room and board! I am really hoping that she will allow me to do this if I need to stay longer so that I do not end up in the poor house!
6.) WHERE ARE YOU STAYING? I am staying at a Naturopathic Retreat Center in the City of Keaau about 6 miles south of Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii. You can click on website link called "The Place I am Staying in Hawaii" on the right side of this blog above these frequently asked questions to check out their website. It is a house and I will have my own private room.
7.) WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS PLACE? I have spent hundreds of hours doing research on this subject; not to mention the last 5 years that I have been trying various methods to get well. For the first time, I finally feel I have found a doctor and a treatment plan that I STRONGLY believe will help me get well. Dr. Baylac has over 30 years of experience in several different areas that I was specifically looking for and I feel like she is the perfect match for me...not to mention her location is in Hawaii! If you look on the right side of this blog above these frequently asked questions and click on "What I Have Learned" and "How the Story Began" under the January 2007 Blog Archive, you will find out more on why I am choosing this method of treatment.
8.) WHAT KIND OF TREATMENT ARE YOU RECEIVING? I will be treated by a Naturopathic Doctor. She will be treating me holistically with consideration to my mind, body and spirit as one whole entity. When I first arrive she will be performing various lab tests through samples of my urine, blood, saliva, hair and stool to determine a specific method of treatment. I was put on a restricted fruit & vegetable ONLY diet for 8 days prior to leaving San Diego to prepare for a WATER ONLY fast when I arrive for a possible 10 days. I will then be following the Gerson Nutritional Program which has over 60 years of experience and success in treating patients with cancer and other degenerative diseases. I will be consuming about 20 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables by juicing them along with 3 meals a day of only organic, fruits and vegetables either raw or specially cooked. I will also have to do coffee enemas every day. THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FOR WHIMPS AND REQUIRES A STRONG WILL & DESIRE TO GET WELL.
9.) HOW MUCH DOES THIS PLACE COST AND HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR IT? It is going to cost A LOT! But, hardly anything compared to a Western Medicine Hospital! I am still paying off all my previous hospital/medical expenses. Now, I will not be working and need to pay both my mortgage/utilities for my San Diego home and the cost of the program in Hawaii. The actual program costs for water fast days is 150/day and $395/day for Gerson Therapy days. I will also have additional charges for supplements, additional therapies and travel expenses. Eventhough I am feeling scared and overwhelmed with all the expenses I am trying to just trust that it will all work out. I have already recieved some very generous donations from my family, massage clients and friends. I have also received a LARGE sum of money from my father as a loan that I hope to eventually pay back.
10.) IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO TO HELP? Yes, there is something you can do and that is to keep in touch with me while I am there! I need the support and encouragement. You can send letters, cards, photos and packages in the mail to keep my spirits up while I am there. My contact info is posted above these frequently asked questions on the right hand side of this BLOG. MAHALO!
A BIG THANK YOU... unexpected financial assistance received for my medical and travel expenses:
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